

We work with you to:

  • Understand your business challenges
  • Outline a solution; short-term, long-term
  • Define a best solution structure
  • Develop prototypes for demos
  • Design a framework for the solution
  • Build the solution in consultation
  • Validate the solution against requirements
  • Implement the solution across your organisation
  • Provide continuous support

We will convert an old database system, adapt a template, find a pre-packaged design, or develop a new system with all the features you want, built right in from the ground up.

With LandBase, you have access to database developers with more than 8 years in database design and development; skilled computer & network specialists; and experienced web-site developers with flair in stylesheet (CCS) design.

  • We provide training in FileMaker Pro development enabling others to build or adapt database tools to their own design
  • We provide instruction in best practice for data management, grooming and manipulations
  • A full range of computer extensions; installation, networking, back-up systems and general upgrades





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