Networked Databases

Setup options

URL-based access

The simplest network arrangement has only one computer running FileMaker Pro with selected database files set for web access. Other machines, up to 5 at a time, may access the database live with either a browser, a palm-top or a cell-phone.


Desktop computer acting as web-server


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Remote machines using web-type access...

  1. via internet connection
  2. via a local network

Local or Wide Area networks

In a simple FileMaker network each computer has its own copy of FileMaker Pro, but only one machine stores the database. This setup allows 5 simultaneous users per file.



Networked computers all reading and writing to and from the same database files
FMP_logocomputPicOne desktop computer acting as local network server for others

Server-based networks

For larger FileMaker networks a dedicated server stores and serves the database using FileMaker Server, a programme which can handle hundreds of users and files at once.

Server computer with FileMaker Server


FMP_logo desktop_Serv

FileMaker Server Advanced provides increased functionality: most suited to web-based networks with large amounts of traffic, or where server-side functionality is required. It can be run using 1-3 dedicated machines apportioning the load between them.

Landbase can advise and provide installation and follow-up service of all types of FileMaker networks.




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