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Reviews : Action : Unreal Tournament

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Unreal Tournament is unreal. I only bought it as Quake 3 wasn't yet in. Unreal Tournament is a great all rounder. You'll be up playing it for hours, the great game play is the key to its success, even without a real single player game. The new single player being going through a tournament of death match match's, as well as other types of game play matches. There are many types of game play available. From the standard deathmatch and team deathmatch, onto the other standards such as Capture the flag. The new additions and alterations of existing theme's being the altered King of the Hill called domination. Where you must capture and secure 3 control points. Another new option is Assault, where one team guards an objective and the other team must infiltrate the enemy base and destroy certain things and flip switches etc, and the other team has to stop the other team from doing these things. The final addition is last man standing, where all players start with a number of lives, each time they die they go down 1 life. When a player reached 0 lives they are out of the match. The last person alive is the winner. With all these options straight out of the box, you have a great game with which mods will be able to add to, instead of having to make new types of game play which the developers have left out. Epic Games made this game have loads of options and 50 maps to boot. The graphics as with the original unreal are outstanding. They have again improved on the engine and made it look great. Although it doesnt have the curves or the quake 3 engine it still looks great and it runs real fast, with just about no lag. The net is also full of servers, I've even found servers with as low a ping as 30. So they must surely be alot of servers near me. The sound track is great, with some real catchy tunes of it, as well as the explosions and bullets making the sound we require. When was the last time you started up a game, and though hey this guy is actually walking. I mean in quake 3 its like you are hovering over the ground. But in unreal tournament you really walk. All round this game is here to stay and shall certainly get game of the year in some category.

Developer : Epic Games

System Requirements

PII 233, 32 MB RAM, 2X CD-ROM, SVGA w/ 2MB, Mouse, Sound Card, Win95/98/NT

Recommended Minimum
PII 350, 64MB RAM, 24x CD-ROM, TNT, Mouse, Sound Card, Win95/98

Overall : 99 / 100

Game Play : 99 / 100
Graphics : 98 / 100
Longitivity : 98 / 100 
Multiplayer : 99 / 100
Sound : 99 / 100



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