JumpGate is a Game that you probably have never heard
of before this. What type of game is it you ask. Well those of you
who remember Frontier, Elite and Privateer will of course know that
those games are great. And this is a even better version. For those
who still have no idea what the game is. Its a space combat trading
simulation based online. You can trade goods with space stations and
other players, you can shoot and kill other players you can
transport people. Its a real simulation, the universe you play in is
so huge you'll never visit every planet within 5 real life years and
you are playing and communicating with other real players. You can
choose from around 40 ships, you have many types of weapons and
cargo as well as different types of shields. You can make up an
alliance with other online friends and have wingmen.
You will be in intense non stop gaming action every minute you
For more information goto netdevil
the game developers.
Price: It is currently assumed the price will be around $10 - $15
dollars US per month. Quite alot but should be worth it.
JumpGate is an online-only, massive multiplayer persistent
universe for Windows 95/98. The player is the owner and pilot of a
spacecraft, with the objective being to acquire wealth by engaging
in trade and/or combat with that ship. Players may work on their own
or together as members of a collaborative team. Players can use the
funds they acquire to improve their craft in various ways, such as
the typical weapon upgrades, better engines, etc.
The game universe consists of potentially limitless navigational
areas that are interconnected by a series of jumpgates. These
jumpgates allow a spacecraft to "jump" to another area
using extra-dimensional means. Some areas contain only jumpgates,
while others contain space stations and colonies of various types.
Currently there are 12 sectors and 5 stations. Due to the unique
physical properties of a jumpgate, a considerable distance must
separate these devices from space stations, colonies and each other.
Spacecraft must therefore travel between the various gates and
stations in each navigational area by conventional means.
Space stations provide a means for players to engage in commerce of
various types, such as ship repair, equipment purchase, and buying
and selling commodities. Stations also furnish an area for players
to interact, such as planning missions or forming contracts. This
can be done in the IRC style chat systems found at every station.
There are currently 3 races or sectors to play under, each with
characteristics that will appeal to different types of gamers. Some
navigational areas are controlled politically by the different
sectors, and players from that sector will find an easier time in
those. Some areas are neutral; these areas provide the greatest
possibility of profits from resources. Obviously, the neutral areas
are hotly disputed between the different teams in battles to control
the wealth. There is nothing stopping a player from flying to any
sector they can reach via jumpgate. The further you go, the greater
the risk and the greater the reward.
The bulk of game play is intended to take place flying the
spacecraft. The flight model is entirely physics based and a hybrid
between a pure space flight model (momentum based, no drag) and an
atmospheric model (that includes drag and other effects). In this
model two main forces are modeled, thrust and drag. Impulses due to
collisions are also modeled. Mass plays a significant roll in all
calculations. The mass of a craft will change as equipment, fuel,
and ordinance is added or discarded. The effect of gravity or other
forces can be added to the model easily, and future plans include as
an example planet surface skimming. The flight model allows every
degree of freedom and is unlike any other game yet made.
In addition, there is a fully integrated website based in the
Jumpgate universe. This website is like a portal for the game
itself. There is an extensive database of all known equipment,
commodities, spacecraft and organizations. There are historical
records that can bring a pilot up to speed on what political issues
they will be facing. There is a news area tied directly into live
game statistics and events. At any time of the day anywhere in the
world, a player can read the latest news about their sector, view
their stats and compare to friends and foes, check the weather in
each sector, and access market news for various products. For
beginners, the flight academy teaches the basics of control and
maneuvering for low gravity flight. There is also a recruitment
center to point your friends to to get them to sign on.
[ website design and construction by our close
associates, Fourmula
Technologies ]
JumpGate supports a multitude of spacecraft, from the base model
fighter to mid-sized freighters to advanced fighters, even
multi-mode re-configurable ships (sort of transformer type
vehicles). Eventually, much larger ships will be added such as bulk
freighter, corvette, destroyer and even carrier class ships. This
will contribute greatly to team play as teams can pool their
resources to purchase a large ship and several escorts.
Ships are very customizable and upgradeable. Every major system:
engines, shields, sensors, targeting computers, electronic
countermeasures, and of course weapons, supports multiple upgrades.
Weapons include the basic laser, advanced lasers, multi-barrel
cannons, plasma/ion guns, and of course the Gauss cannon. A large
number of missile types are also supported, from the basic
ship-to-ship missile to capital ship killing torpedoes to
"shotgun" style missile packs. Missiles have varying
degrees of AI as well; the pricier you go, the smarter they are.
Trade is the primary means by which players will improve their
finances and their spacecraft. While each political entity has
economic specializations, all pay premiums for raw materials such as
metals and rare minerals. The flow of goods and thereby their
relative scarcity at any given location affects their current going
price. Obviously, the longer hauls result in better profits but also
increased danger. In addition to moving bulk materials and products,
courier services can be contracted by the various nations as the
Jumpgates can be used to carry information much faster than the
speed of light. Lastly players can engage in contracts of their own
design in order to reach their mutual and individual goals.